Tuesday, April 30, 2019

International Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Business Environment - Essay physical exerciseIndia is one of the largest markets in the world in terms of its size and with the growing GDP, the spending propensity too will increase within the conterminous decade. Although there is a certain degree of political and craft risks involved in Indian investments, these do not surpass that of any other developing nation. In terms of its tourism diligence, the local market is equally important as the foreign tourist inflows and the industry competitiveness is currently interposed in average scale though forecasted for high growth during next decade. India has changed its stance from a closed economy to a open economy with much success with a short span of time and its ranking in global trade and FDI is very promising. Many overbold initiatives and policy measures have been recently introduced to promote international trade and tourism industry in incident as well as creating favourable FDI climate. However the countr y is still saddled with bureaucratic expiration tape and administrative restrictions. Membership in WTO and being party to many regional integration agreements place India in a reliable perspective in the eyes of potential investors. The country is also extending a high regard for intellectual property rights and has already implemented WTOs TRIPS agreement. Closely managed Indian financial system is one of the key deterrence and hindrances faced by many international investors and the close examen of profit repatriation needs to be noted.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Ancient maya economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ancient maya political economy - Assignment ExampleThe subsistence economy means the goods used for daily use by all the former(a) classes of the society. Although two systems of economy existed, the economy was based on trade and agriculture.The trade system was extensive with the Mesoamerica that include trading of obsidian, jade, serpentine, ceramic vases, and feathers of Quetzalcoatl birds (Hirst, n.d). The trade entanglement was expanded with the cities of Olmec, Zapotec, and Teotihuacan as well as other Caribbean islands and assorted groups in gulf coast of Mexico (Demarest, 2004). The trade relations were facilitated with efficient allocation of resources and long suit in divergent areas of crafts and skills (Demarest, 2004). Scholars have often used the economic laws of demand and supply to assess the ancient Mayan trade because of the bulky availability of resources used by the Maya (Hirst, n.d). Given the growing population of the Maya, specialized exploitation of reso urces began giving the Maya specialization in trade (Hirst, n.d). This specialization combined with the availability of resources that each trade party had to offer was the unwrap in the Maya commerce (Demarest, 2004). Many scholars believe that the long distance trade of the ancient Maya was accompanied by exchange of mathematical and writing knowledge along with other cultural manifestations (Demarest, 2004). This extensive trade network is the prime mechanism for the ancient Mayas economic growth.The agriculture of Maya consisted of maize, beans, cucurbits, chili peppers, amaranth, palms, cocoa, vanilla, avocado, agave, ramon, and manioc (Hirst, n.d). Irrigation canals and terraces were constructed in the Maya highlands in order to take advantage of the environment there while crops were grown on raised platforms in the Maya lowlands. The household economy of the ancient Maya was related to the subsistence economy. Each household had their farmland where they planted corns, squa sh, beans and other

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Business Planning-The Twist Kettle Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Planning-The Twist Kettle - Assignment deterrent exampleTwist Kettle was basically designed to address these problems and introduce in the mainstream market a to a greater extent improved kettle. The harvest-tide is designed along the lines of eco products preventing energy waste while at the same sentence is distinguished by the ease of use. According to Blackwell, pricing is normally a very vital persuasion of any product.T he market price of the twist kettle makes it affordable for the average household, thus providing adding value. The suggest is extremely competitive and the commercialization process is expected to gain significant market share. This was after intensive market research was conducted investigating consumer attitudes to sustainable products with the intention of knowing what exactly consumers had in mind in regard to a sustainable kettle that could appeal to the wider market rather than just environmentalists. An aspect that Rogers recommended greatl y in his written works about innovations. Before venturing into any business, in ones plan, there must be a rationale to as why they have decided to venture to that said business. The group sit down down and came up with a design that embodied sustainable features but within a naturalized kettle form which the content of this report is about.Here is a brief summary of some of the appoint elements in this Twist Kettle business plan devised by our group. It largely talks about our product which is the kettle and of what importance and benefits it has over what has been on the market. The whole concept of marketing it and the concerned team and non forgetting other closely related aspects like the financing.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Coaching Leadership Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

learn Leadership Development - Essay ExampleIt may be an in ceremonial or a formal process, an informal being hotshot in which a person with greater experience guides the one with lesser experience. Statistics in UK fork over that 90% companies use coaching and 51% of them consider it to be necessary and crucial for the leadership development process. These skills argon often developed and adopted by managers who would influence the administration. (Wooden & Jamison, 2005) A untested era brings about rapid changes in the market place and thus organizations and therefore leadership skills flip acquired greater importance in the dynamic workplace. Those who employ coaching as a leadership possess a greater understanding of themselves usu eithery, since it not only allows them to grow in terms of leading the organization but also to understand their own personality and areas of strengths and weaknesses and work on themselves. (Smith, 1999) Executive coaching is one of the compon ents of coaching that seems to be efficacious and a good investment of time and money. Competencies that are developed develop to be long term and effective and further inferences can easily be deduced as to what postulate to be done to further enhance the competencies. (Dessler, 2012) Also organizations are engaging in downsizing and they contribute a flatter structure than before since the world is moving to a place where hierarchical structures are considered less effective and lesser manpower is required in organizations. Therefore even though it has its benefits, however, fourth-year managers would be removed more easily and growth opportunities are better but if youthful managers cannot gormandise in the shoes of the previous managers and lack the leadership qualities then the entire organization will show a downward trend. Coaching can help build these abilities. (Warrenfeltz,... This paper approves that there are authoritative alternative approaches such as leadershi p action teams. This requires being put in situations with teams to perform in situations which are above their current capability and one person is the leader who will guide the team to success or failure and basically guide the team through the entire situation. This is a new method that has achieved a lot of success because the workplace is dynamic and situations keep changing and leaders ceaselessly have to be ready. There may not necessarily be time to coach them to stretchability their goals, and so learning by doing or action learning is useful in situations where the organization is touch for time and money and the managers have a great deal of workload already.This essay makes a decision that a last leadership development tool that is important is the multi-rater feedback method or a 360 story feedback method. Feedback is always an effective tool for improvement, since you are always guided and critiqued as to where you are going rail at and where you are going right, and you can go in that direction accordingly. However, feedback from different sources is even more effective as you get an overall perspective of your standing, not just from your mentor, or your coach, or your employees, but from all of the aforementioned. This helps to improve performance. However, this feedback needs to be continuous if it is to be effective. Also, one can never be for sure if they encompass the entire organizations perspective in their 360 degree appraisal and one which is discharge from bias because everyone has a different way of looking at things and not necessarily the correct one.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Religious Life of Planet Earth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Religious Life of Planet priming - Essay ExampleTherefore, I set criteria that helped me determine the devoutness of hatful on planet reality their one God, the prophet who serves as the peoples leader, the holy book which digests people spiritual management, and scriptures or teachings that impact peoples values and behaviors. Before I advance describe the criteria which I completed for my religious quest on planet Earth, I believe it would be necessary to endeavor to touch on what religion on planet Earth means. Different perspectives offer different definitions of the term religion. In its rattling essence, religion on Earth symbolizes its peoples relationship with a supernatural macrocosm, or a deity, who is believed to have control over some aspects of living and of the world (Idinopulos, 1998). People c all in all this supernatural being differently some call it their God, while others call it their Allah. Nonetheless, this supernatural being helps people in groun ds the world and the meaning and importance of human existence. This understanding provides structure and stability within their society, and exposits the undertakings and purposes for the humankind (Idinopulos, 1998). ... They further believe that their God controls all forms of life on the planet and in that locationfore has the ability to take all these life forms back. As much as possible, people on the planet endeavor to live unfeignedly and spiritually to make their God happy and satisfied. In addition, for an institution to be considered as religion there needs to be a certain character, a prophet as they call it, that serves as the peoples leader. This prophet possesses supernatural abilities and extraordinary characters which allow the prophet to speak to their one God and provide guidance to the people. In short, the prophet is the messenger of God. Apart from their God and prophet, another common criterion of religions on Earth is the holy book. Every religion on the pl anet has a holy book that provides guidance for humanity to the right direction for salvation that shows the way to paradise (Elsaie, n.d.). The holy book, in addition, outlines the actions and behaviors which are morally acceptable for the institution, and clearly summarizes the divine standards that people have to follow. Lastly, religious groups of people on Earth postulate devotional and ritual teachings which contain the moral code governing the values and behavior of human matters. In order to further scrutinize the truth behind the criteria I set for my religious investigation on Earth, I looked deeper at the three major religious beliefs on Earth based on material body of adherents Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism (Adherents.com, 2007). On planet Earth, there are approximately 1.9 billion Christians, or 33% of the worlds entire population (Adherents.com, 2007). It is believed to be the largest religion on the planet. Christianity believes

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Language Crossing by B. Rampton Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Language Crossing by B. Rampton - appointee ExampleAccording to the research findings, Rampton found that the speakers moved outside the phrase varieties they normally used and they shortly adapted codes which they didnt have full and easy access to and that these appropriations of someone elses language occurred in moments and activities when the world of daily life known in common with others and with others taken for granted. These findings have important implications for the pagan process and the way social identities are negotiated in interactional code-switching. According to Cutler, Ramptons book describes how groups of multiracial adolescents in a British working-class community mix their use of Creole, Panjabi, and Asian English. Rampton found that language crossing, in many instances, constitutes an anti-racist practice and is emblematic of young deal striving to redefine their identities. The young people he studied used this mixed code to contest racial boundaries an d assert a pertly deracinated ethnicity. Rampton also cited in his book the two types of code-switching namely situational and figurative. Situational code-switching is a standard speech that indicates a sacking in a certain situation while figurative code-switching or double-voicing describes the way that utterances can be affected by a plurality of competing languages, plow, and voices. Under figurative code-switching are nonliteral code-switching (uni-directional) and juiceless code-switching (Vari-directional). Rampton defines metaphorical code-switching as a switching that introduces varieties of speech that is harder for the recipients to understand. It is uni-directional because speakers go along with the momentum of the second voice, though it for the most part retains an element of otherness which makes the appropriation conditional and introduces some reservation into the speakers use of it. On the other hand, ironic code-switching (Vari-directional) is a speech in w hich the speaker speaks in someone elses discourse, but introduce into that discourse a semantic intention directly opposed to the original one.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Entrepreneur - Essay ExampleIn addition, it will also disclose some of the measures that they as business entrepreneurs can learn, use, introduce and/or implement so that they can improve, love and mitigate the risks so that they can have long lasting and successful business enterprises.Entrepreneurship is developing new, reform and competitive products and/or services by utilizing and maximizing the available resources, so as to meet the neer ending and unmet human necessities. It is also described as the ability to direct, control, execute, manage, analyze and take responsibility of the risks (Ramac goran 220). task entrepreneurship is also one of the most crucial driving forces of economies globally. A business entrepreneur is an individual who sources for opportunities deep down the economy by analyzing the unmet human needs he/she takes advantage of the opportunity/ situation at hand hence, introduces and implements products and/or services that will meet these needs .More over, he/she effectively manages the foreseen and unforeseen risks/ challenges involved in the business.Just like any leader, for any business entrepreneur to achieve success, they have to work within the essentials of management which entail being effective, practice efficiency and also exercise economy management. Effectiveness in meeting the set objectives(s) or goal(s) is achieved by meeting the unmet needs which led to the product. Efficiency is achieved by doing things in the right way by setting clear guidelines procedures and processes to be followed in their undertakings. craft entrepreneur has by being economical by minimizing their production costs they achieve this by using the right but also low cost resources for their products and services while still maintaining the products and/or services standards. A Business entrepreneur has to possess the key management skills these include planning, leadership, organizing and time management skills among others (Ramachandran 210).Most business

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

HRD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HRD - Research Paper ExampleIn this relationship, rules are created and enforced to ensure smooth ravel of the organisation and its effectiveness. Different actors are involved in this process including employer, employee, trade unions, and the government or state. much(prenominal) a relationship may be harmonious, conflictual or antagonistic depending on the context and ideologies. This forms the core of physical exercise relations that this report will focus on. This is a report to the boss of a multinational tap club in Australia seeking to engage the services of experienced immigrant workers under Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visas. acme is a newly appointed ER manager at a multinational mining company in Australia. This is the first time he is working in the mining industry having prior encounter in heavy engineering and utilities. The company is about to take over operations of an existing tap on a remote site in WA. However, many mining companies in Australi a claim to be facing skill shortages and reduced competitiveness due to rising lying-in costs thus the job is how to fill this skill gap. The most reasonable option is to source labour from local market barely since this is not forthcoming, the option of immigrants is crucial. For a long time, Australia has been using the services of immigrants to fill skill gaps. These may be filled by permanent skilled immigrants, or temporary immigrants who include holidaymakers, students and temporary (long stay) immigrants. Jakubowicz (2013) indicates that temporary descent (long stay) visas were introduced by the Howard government in 1996. Prior to that Australia was not keen on employing immigrants but permanent skilled immigrants are considered Australian citizens hence appropriate to work in Australia under prevailing working conditions and labour laws. However, the option of temporary (long stay) visas has enabled Australia to

The reasons for a growing consumer preference for branded jewellery in Dissertation

The reasons for a development consumer likeence for dirted jewelry in India - Dissertation ExampleShowing from where do you prefer get jewellery Table 23. Showing if brand, what atomic number 18 the factors obligated for this choice Table 24. Showing, if local retailers, what factors adjoin this decision Table 25. Showing, from where did you get the knowledge of this store/brand Table 26. Showing, how long have you been qualification purchases of jewellery from this store/brand Table 27. How satisfied are you with the jewellery you buy Table 28. How alpha is the advertisement campaign followed by the store to make you opt for it Table 29. Before making either jewellery purchases, do you compare the designs and prices of the same between the brand showroom and the local dealers Table 30. Do you plan to shift or change the source of purchasing jewellery LIST OF FIGURES Analysis of growing Consumer Preference for Branded Jewellery in Mumbai Figure 1. Showing how frequently do you make jewellery purchases Figure 2. Showing from where do you prefer purchasing jewellery Figure 3. Showing if brand, what are the factors responsible for this choice Figure 4. Showing, if local retailers, what factors affect this decision Figure 5. Showing, from where did you get the knowledge of this store/brand Figure 6. Showing, how long have you been making purchases of jewellery from this store/brand Figure 7. How satisfied are you with the jewellery you buy Figure 8. How important is the advertisement campaign followed by the store to make you opt for it Figure 9. Before making any jewellery purchases, do you compare the designs and prices of the same between the branded showroom and the local dealers Figure 10. Do you plan to shift or change the source of purchasing jewellery Analysis of Growing Consumer Preference for Branded Jewellery in Delhi Figure 11. Showing how... India has handed-down relations with jewellery. Branded jewellery in India has established a niche f or itself in the competitive Indian market. Branding is the procedure involved in making an exclusive picture and name for a harvesting in the customers mind, generally in the course of advertising campaigns by way of a reliable and reconciled theme. Signifi undersidetly, the younger generation has more(prenominal) disposable earnings these days and they are ready to expend it on luxuries of preference. The younger citizens in their mid thirties and their seniors are normally prepared to buy branded jewellery. The header of branding is to establish a differentiated and considerable presence in the marketplace so that it can retain and attract faithful and loyal customers. Branding is also a technique in establishing a significant business asset, which is nothing but an excellent reputation. The gems & jewellery business is one of the fastest growing businesses in the country with a market share of $13 billion in 2011 and is estimated to grow to $20 billion by 2015. In 2008-09 th e business was $17.1 billion in opposition to $16.64 in 2005-06 billion, reflecting a ripening of 26%. The picture of Indian ladies, wearing a sari and various types of ethnic jewellery in festival season and wedding, is no longer the sole customer profile of the worlds major(ip) gold importing state. Indian ladies around the world are turning out to be more emancipated conveying a way of life that combines the strong values and traditions of their society and their modern general approach to life, job and spending

Monday, April 22, 2019

E-marketing assignment on Olympics Web TV Essay

E- trade assignment on Olympics sack up TV - raise ExampleAs a new company Olympics Web TV will have strengths with regards to its commercializeing mix on harvesting, place, promotion, people and physical evidence. From the outset the product will be specifically intentional for online delivery and as such the organisation can easily personalise their product to different consumer tastes and alike avoid the tollly challenges that its multi-delivery competitors faced in migrating their offerings to the Web. This foc expenditured-delivery mode will result in huge nest egg for Olympics Web TV especially in terms of infrastructure needed to operate. Olympics Web TV could use the new computing paradigms such as cloud computing to convert capital expenditure into operating(a) expenditure, and easily scale their offering as and when required thus maximising on investment for product innovation. As an Internet-provisioned product, Olympics Web TV will be cheap to distribute and cost comparatively little to promote in comparison to non-Internet enabled TV products. Finally, online provisioned products have significantly less(prenominal) human resource requirements and less investment in physical evidence. These shall provide Olympics Web TV with huge savings as well.Olympics Web TV weaknesses shall mainly be encountered in its marketing mix under price and processes. The greatest cost for online TV is subject matter licensing. As a new company Olympics Web TV may non have the huge resources required to compete with incumbents in securing the lucrative Olympics licensing rights. Moreover, the incumbents, such as the BBC and ITV, have the favor of having had previous relationships with several key heart and soul providers such as movie rights, International Olympics Committee (IOC), FIFA and so on. Secondly, streaming video has an impact on customer Internet usage and, thus, increases cost of service to the consumer. With regards to processes, online TV has g ot lower switching costs in comparison to say, cable TV thus Olympics Web TV will have to ensure that its processes operate at optimal efficiency around the clock. As a new player, Olympics Web TV does not own or have access to significant live infrastructure and this may have a negative impact on its processes. In spite of the to a higher place weaknesses, there are a number of opportunities that Olympic Web TV could exploit to create sustainable competitive advantages. For starters, the global trend towards increased online video streaming and Internet usage is an emerging market that provides an almost equal and open platform for new and established players to be innovative. Secondly, unlike its competitors, BBC and ITV, Olympics Web TV can easily enter into joint affiliations and partnerships even with both organisations and end up leveraging their content to its advantage. The large industry players are more likely to enter into joint affiliations and partnerships with small organizations than with each other. solely said Olympics Web TV must also be wary of the following threats (1) the impact pirated content has on the video streaming culture (2) competition from emerging services such as apples iTunes and also from existing video-streaming service providers such as YouTube and (3) the non-competitive practices of large incumbents with deep pockets. Competitor epitome According to Porter (1998) competitor analysis involves looking at the competitors objectives, competitors assumptions, competitors strategy and competitor

Sunday, April 21, 2019

MacroF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MacroF - strain ExampleD fractional reserve 20. A 450 21. D 1/R 22. C (E 1/m) 23. D augment GDP with low interest (inc bills supply) 24. A sell sec, reduce place and inc reserve req 25. B money supply ampere-second 26. D increase money supply to 100 27. C 4 28. D 29. B prime intt rate 30. D decrease exports and appreciate $ 31. B - monetarism 32. C Keynesian economics 33. A rational expectation 34. C Philips curve 35. C zipper of adjustment 36. C Laffer curve 37. B below ob 38. D done all 39. A 3.6 trillion 40. B Canada 41. D all of the above 42. A excise on imports 43. B less(prenominal) resources and more needs 44. D rent, wages, intt, profits 45. A increase one at anothers expense 46. A direct, inverse 47. C price (price changes the demand curve not movement on same demand curve) 48. C increase in demand 49. D both statements are ok unless it is some sort of trick question 50. D high marginal cost of production 51. B 1 and 200 52. B 1.60 53. D 0.50 54. D corporate profits 55. B functional 56. A personal 57. D top 1/5th get 8 times the lowest 1/5th 58. A no claim on proprietor personal assets 59. C GDP 60. B PI 61. A all final goods and services in a year 62. C 25% 63. C supply shock 64. B 180 Bn 65. C 40 at all levels 66. D - $2 for every +$3 in GDP 67. B 3 Short Answers Question 1 The macroeconomic equation of exchange is the relationship between Money supply that is the total nominal marrow of money in circulation (M), Velocity of money meaning the average frequency with which money is spent (V), wrong level (P) and index of real expenditures (Q). It is expressed as M x V = P x Q From the equation of exchange, we see that money together with velocity is the source of funding for economic activities. Furthermore, it shows that for a devoted stock of money, an increase in velocity helps finance a greater value of transactions than money could have done by itself. Thus, the velocity of money describes the a mount of economic activity with a accustomed money supply. If all other things remain constant, changes in velocity of money can greatly claim the prices. A very high V at same M and Q would result in an increase in P (price level), that is inflation, and vice versa. If the velocity of money is stable, economists are able to predict the GDP levels and mastermind action accordingly. Money supply can be effectively used to implement the economic policies with the in demand(p) result. If, however, V is unstable, it leads to fluctuations in price levels, and the economic policy changes in M can bring negatively charged result. For example, if V decreases sharply, inflation will also drop. In order to control this, the government might steady down to increase the money supply. Now, if the V also increases after the increase in money supply, this would lead to sudden high inflation with combined effect of increased M and V. So, the stability of V is very all important(predicate) f or governments to be able to decide and implement effective economic policies. Question 2 The structure of national reserve system is shown below in figure 1. Figure 1 Structure of Federal reserve system The components of the federal reserve system and their functions are described below 1. Board of governors they are appointive by the US president and confirmed by the US senate. The primary responsibility of the Board members is the grammatical construction of monetary policy. The Board sets reserve requirements and shares

Saturday, April 20, 2019

People's Mujahidin Organization of Iran v. United States Department of Essay

Peoples Mujahidin Organization of Iran v. United grounds De severalizement of State - Essay ExampleThe scheme was known to conduct various terrorist activities during the regime of Khomeini as well as the Shah, which made the unpopularity of MeK inevitable. However, the transcription claims to confirm stop overd all in all of its terrorist activities since 2001 and has been aiming to improve its international ever since. This brings us to February 11th 2009, when the MeK filed a bespeak in the U.S judiciary of Appeals to challenge its designation into FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) by the U.S. Department of State. The MeK claims that it has halted all of its terrorist activities since 2001, with valid proof, and the decision of the Department of State to keep the organization listed in the FTO in 2008 and 2003 is unfair. This created a point of confrontation between the devil organizations. One needs to take for account both sides of the cases in order to understand t he condition aright (Alexander, 2003). In 1996 according to the AEDPA, the Department of State to create a list of global terrorist organizations called the FTO. It was done to cease their working inside the United States. The FTO was to be reviewed by the Department of State once each two years and later each five years to keep the list updated. MeK has been a part of the list since 2003 and has filed a petition to the department of state in 2008 to delist the organization from the list. The MeK has also provided various evidences for this petition to become a reality. The MeK has presented the following changes in its activities and prospects Ceased every ongoing military campaign in the land of Iran since 2001. Has shared valuable intelligence information with the U.S. government regarding Irans nuclear program and alleged terrorist activities. Has surrendered all of its arms and military equipment to the U.S. military forces of Iraq and cooperated with the U.S. military forc es at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Has obtained a delisting from terrorist organizations from various countries, such(prenominal) as the United Kingdom and the European Union. Has rejected violence and terrorist activities on record in 2004. stock-still after these substantial evidences, the U.S. Department State ruled out the petition of MeK and maintained its listing in the FTO as a terrorist organization. A listing in the FTO means that all assets an organization has in the United States will be overtaken by the government and the organization will not be allowed to hold any activity, even peaceful, inside the U.S. territory. For the U.S. Department of State to justify its decision, they released a 20-page document to contribute their decision. In such documents, the Department was expected to give a detailed description of each of every difference stated by the MeK. This wasnt the case here (McCormack and McDonald, 2006). The document, when analyzed by various analysts was set up to be filled with one-sided reviews of past activities, dating back in the 1980s and the 1990s by the MeK. The department did not give any pro and cons of the activities mentioned by the MeK in their petition to the department and were all pointing towards the activities conducted by the organization way before 2001, after which the organization claims to have changed. Some descriptions given in the document was even contradictory to the activities of the MeK such as, On October 12, 2006, I received information that questioned activities were going on at the University compound, Camp

Friday, April 19, 2019

Epistemology and Metaphysics Schools Paper Essay

Epistemology and Metaphysics Schools Paper - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, empiricism is closely related but not identical as outlying(prenominal) as academic scepticism is concerned. Through the study, we find that skepticism is comprised of two pragmatic type involving philosophical skepticism and nomothetic science, which is also known as perfect empiricism (Greco, 2011).Meanwhile, rationalism is commonly an epistemology discipline that attests knowledge at large. This is a role as head as a source of knowledge that works and articulates justification. However, rationalism is defined as a possibility based on the criterion of equity that lacks stunning not but with intellectual deductive. Reality plays a bigger role in refraining rationalism in that it asserts intrinsic and logic structure hence claiming that truth exist and through this intellect can directly grasp these truths at hand. Basing on this fact, as far as the issue of belief is concerned, Rationalism has term ed empiricism as one of the greatest rivals in disputative perspective. It is out researchers understanding of how rationalism feels about the truth that we realize that the perception takes into account that the reason has antecedence over other ways of acquiring knowledge and this uniqueness plays a vital role in pre-modern ways of understanding (Robertson, 2010).Moreover, empiricism is well known as a theory of knowledge that originates from sensory experience within the life of a human being. This is one of the philosophical articulations, which highlight experience average based on the evidence tabled out as far as rationalism, idealism and historicism is concerned. However, empiricism is a philosophical science that works based on the emphasis. In regards to empiricism, knowledge is taken into consideration as a tentative and probabilistic subject that results into revision and falsification theorem (Rorty & Sellar, 1997).In addition, realism which is an extensive terms, pla ys a bigger role in stressing out the representation of reality

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Clandestine labs and the dangers it poses to law enforcement and Essay

Clandestine science labs and the dangers it poses to rightfulness enforcement and emergency personnel - Essay ExampleOne of the most important growing issues that argon provided a embark onicular attention by the US government and US departments on faithfulness enforcement is the continuous extend of telephone number of clandestine laboratories in the country. So far, although the government has tried hard to practically create spacious definitions on how the law enforcers should actually be involved in handling the situation properly through training and increased competence in the process, it could be seen how the increase of rate in connection with the number of clandestine laboratories in the country today provides a rather different picture on the part of the efforts placed by the national officials on the matter in concern.In this paper, a practical introduction on the issues and particular dangers that both law enforcers and emergency personnel face every time they tr y their lives in attacking clandestine laboratories for the sake of protecting the security of the greater population making up the nation.Clandestine laboratories ar well known local factories of drug production particularly that of Methamphetamines. These laboratories atomic number 18 note to be located in undercover playing fields that are usually kept from the human naked pump callable to its being illegal especially in the United States. Many operators of Clan Labs hide their laboratories in places where no one would actually suspect such as garage areas, and other home areas that are not likely much visited by outsiders. However, although placed in such areas, the recognition of these laboratories becomes easy due to the smell of chemicals coming out from the said sources of drug production. Usually, the smell of urine due to the existence of ammonia could be appreciate from the area of production. An alarming cue that a clan lab may exist in an area should actually gi ve one the right push to tell about the matter to law enforcers who are appointed to oversee the concerned place under the case of a possible clan lab existence. Why is this a must It has been researched and well studied through experience based cases that clan labs are highly dangerous especially for those living within its vicinities. Considerably, the imposed position of the people living or so the area is endangered due to the existence of the chemicals that are used for the production of the illegal drugs. These substances are note to be highly flammable and are also considered dangerous to the health of those who are living close to the area where they are used for mass production of drug substances. For this reason, it is highly recommended that community security law enforcers closely see to it that nothing is unnoticeably passed through especially when the issue comes to unknown areas of clan labs hidden within populated communities. Along with that, the aim of protectin g the values of the law enforcers appointed for the areas concerned is

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reflective Report include 2 tasks Q Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reflective Report include 2 tasks Q - Essay ExampleSchools, colleges as well as universities are required to prove that their courses meet strict standards on a invari fitting basis and thus, UKs education system is respected and accepted globally. I therefore expect that the expertness I obtain from Greenwich University will provide a solid foundation for building my future and promoting my travel ambitions. I expect to develop my potential given that the university offers a challenging, creative and vibrant environment for this. I have acquired the necessary skills for me to survive in this increasingly globalized economy of the world. From the knowledge I have acquired so far, I am now capable of thinking independently, creatively and effectively. The assessment and teaching criterion apply at Greenwich encourages independence and mastery of the subject in question. Given that the UK is a cosmopolitan place to domicile in, having hundreds of cultures from all over the world has taught me how to get along and associate with different types of people. This has do me an open minded(p) individual as I have maket to deal with people from various cultural, political and religious screeninggrounds. This has in turn added to my experience and influenced my view of the global economy. The English talking to will play a live role for my career. There is no place better than the UK - the origin of English - where I can learn this popular international language employ widely in global business. Studying English in the UK has made me perfect in how well I can communicate both orally and in written form. Some of the steps I took to improve my knowledge in the language by recital books and interacting with my fellow students in discussions and clubs. I also learnt English by using the phonemic script which made it easier to understand words. By learning the phonemic script, I was able to improve my pronunciation and hence improve my communication. I have mana ged to improve my reading skills in a number of ways. Compared to when I was in my main office country, I can now study more effectively by use of study skills taught at the university. I can now synthesis what I am perusal better than I used to. I have discovered that I learn best as I write. This helps me memorize what I am studying. This discovery has had a positive effect on my grades. In order to adapt to studying at the UK, I had to improve my communication skills. I also had to better my understanding of English. I did this by frequently practicing how to talk in English in order to improve my eloquence. I also move to expose myself to listening English speakers so that I could improve comprehension of lectures. I therefore watched heaps of TV and attended theatres to watch plays done in English. These practices were very successful in helping me adapt to studying in the UK. I am confident that my learning experience here will be very useful in my career at home. Given t hat English is a global language and I have acquired quite a lot of skills on it, I will be able to communicate well in my professional capacity back at home. Since qualifications offered by UK institutions are recognized internationally due to their exceptional quality, I believe my knowledge will be valued back in my home country. It will also be easy for me to work in a multicultural environment since I have experience of living and studying at UK. Studying at Greenwich University has been a quite pleasure. I believe that the knowledge

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Superfund Sites in Picher Oklahoma Essay Example for Free

Superfund Sites in Picher Oklahoma EssaySuperfund Sites in Picher OklahomaIntroduction The delivery Creek superfund settle which is also known as Picher clue and coat mining district is put together in the turn up-of-the- focussing(prenominal) northeastern part of Oklahoma neighboring its border with Kansas. The spot was part of the Tri-state mining district that include beas of Missouri and Kansas and was one of the largest lead and coat mining argonas in the world. The seaf atomic number 18r Creek site is considered to be one of the largest superfund site in America covering a geographic area of nearly 50 unanimous miles and costs a total remediation fee of about 540 million dollars to 61 meg dollars. Tar Creek is a small stream that is characterized by still pools and is the major drainage organisation for the in the Picher field area, and it flows to the south passing between the towns of Picher and Cardin. Despite efforts that were put to prevent further contamination, thither was minimal improvement in the surface water quality. The measures taken to divert the water were seen to be merely partially effective (State Oklahoma report). As part of action to remedy the situation, eighty-three wells throw out wells were refilled, dikes were constructed to divert surface water around collapsed mine shafts and the mines. The first operable unit cost ten million dollars. The superfund program by the environmental protection procedure has been highly criticized and praised over the age since the get offning of its machineation. There are some superfund sites that were cleaned triple-crownly and reclaimed, however, others standardised the Tar Creek superfund site, which has been listed in the depicted object Priorities List for several years. The Tar Creek has witnessed minimal nonable improvement since the cleaning efforts began. The purpose of this question document is to investigate the difference between sites that have be en cleaned and reclaimed successfully and those that have not seen any meaningful change. The paper will also determine the factors that influence speed and ease of the cleanup, suggest changes that drive out be made to the current growth of superfund cleanup that will be beneficial to all sites.Overview and epitome of Risks Involved Tar creek is a region that is found at the northwest of Oklahoma near the town of Picher and is part of land segments in the southeast Kansas and southwest Missouri. It totals about 1,200 estate of the realm and 40 square miles in size. The area was part of the Tri-state Mining District between 1900 to late 1960s. Excessive mining carried out in the area produced pollutants of lead, zinc and cadmium that essenceed in highly acidic water flowing into ponds and streams on the surface small-arm some seeped into shew water. Other specific hazarded towns apart from Picher include Miami, Hockerville, Cardin, and Quapaw. The problems found in Tar creek site, and Picher have historical beginnings in long time mining of zinc and lead in the area. Mining in the area began in 1900 and went on through to the late 1970s. The form of mining lead and zinc creates large quantities of unuse mining materials which pile up above the ground and are always known as blab hemorrhoid. These chat stacks endure be preferably huge and may resemble hills. Over time, mining companies dis pose of the chat by creating large rafts above the ground and tailing ponds or dumping it into flotation. Some chat piles could put on as high as 200 feet, and all of it had increased level of lead and other heavy metals. It is approximated that about 1.7 million tons of led was generated from the mining of about 181 million tons of lead deposits, giving rise to a significant amount of lead contaminated waste. It was posited that at during the time of clean up, there were thousands of acres (Fifty square miles or two thousand nine hundred) and more than 265 million tons of chats that are lead contaminated (Hu, Shine and Wright, 2007). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that Tar Creek has 75 million tons of chat piles. The Environmental Protection Agency listed Tar Creek on the internal Priorities List in 1983.This made it subject to Comprehensive Environmental Compensation, Response, and Liability Act. Environmental Protection Agency found that tailings were found all over residential properties in the Tar Creek, with the foundation of business units and homes make on chat. Apart from that, another by-product arising from the mining operation is highly acidic mine water. The zinc and lead mines were that abandoned began to fill with surface runoff. During the late 1970s, the drainage of the acid mines containing heavy metals started to discharge into Tar Creek from boreholes, natural springs and open mine shafts. Several globe health problems are presented by the superfund site that in clude mine shaft hazards, acid mine drainage, poor air quality due to body laden with lead. Others include soil contamination linked to chat piles and mine waste and exposure of young children and vulnerable population to contaminated materials. More health trys are attributed to tender consumption of stormy food and fish from the Tar Creek superfund site and including the Spring River and Neosho river watershed. All these environmental and human health problems are still being examined by the Environmental Protection Agency, the department of Human Health function and other local anesthetic state agencies. In 2003, several federal agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency, U. S. Army Corps, and the segment of Interior) signed a memorandum of understanding facilitating cooperation of the agencies to achieve a holistic antenna to the risk posed from the Tar Creek superfund site. Federal, private and state efforts are implemented and coordinated by the Department of En vironmental Quality in Oklahoma to ensure that a comprehensive reply to the health and environmental problems is achieved in the area. Several tribal authorities are conducting additional solutions to restore their environment and protect the health of confederacy members.Possible Solutions to the Problem Superfund is currently not set up to handle complex and large areas like Tar Creek. Superfund is focused on site remediation as a permanent solution to the problem. However, in situations such(prenominal) as Tar Creek it is not easy to achieve a permanent solution within a short time. Therefore, the residents of this area and the surrounding areas are exposed to contaminants for a substantial period, which increases risk human health effect on the environment. Solving this problem requires separate cleanup process are included where the complexity, size or government restrictions in the area will lead to prolonged cleanup time or significant delays. For superfund sites like T ar Creek, two cleanup speak toes should be used. The first approach should aim at getting a permanent solution, as is the current goal of the superfund process. The second approach should be a temporary solution which will minimize exposure of wad, environment and wildlife to the contamination while a permanent solution is lookedfor. An example of this is covering contaminated soil using a capping agreement (United States Environmental Protection Agency). There are various measures that can be implemented at the Tar Creek superfund site that can provide immediate and significant benefits. The first action should be all-encompassing community education program. The Environmental Protection Agency should take measures to inform the community about the dangers and hazards that are linked to the pollution and inform them of measures they can take to protect their health. People need to be aware of the importance of regular hand washing. Measures should be put in place to inform r esidents of the risks that can leave alone from playing on the piles of chat and the area creeks. Warning signs and fences to prevent people from entering the grime areas should be erected. The education program can help to decrease the blood lead level of people living in the area (United States Environmental Protection Agency). Public education programs are beneficial however, it is not a requirement for superfund sites. It is up to those charged with overseeing the site to initiate such programs. Individuals living in the areas that are polluted deserve the right to know the nature of pollution they are exposed to and the measures they can implement to protect themselves. Immediately a problem is identified, education and public awareness programs should begin. Public education programs should begin as soon as the site is listed in the National priority list. Another measure that can be beneficial at the Tar Creek is the removal of chat from residential properties. Chat cover ings such as roads, driveways and playground surfaces should be removed and replaced. Apart from this, some of the chat in the chat piles can be used as an aggregate for asphalt, reducing the volume of chat over a number of years. Asphalt made with the chat can be used to plug mine shafts and coat roads while containing the heavy lead and zinc metals and decreasing their mobility. Removal of chat can result in a reduced blood lead level in the people living in the area. The removal process is projected to have more positive outcomes as progress continues. For example, piles of chat shrink exposure of community members to dust as a result of wind will reduce. In addition to that, contamination of ground water by rainwater runoff will reduce as the chat piles shrinks. The surface water quality should be improved through construction of peaceable treatment projects while harnessing the filtration capability of the surrounding ecosystem. To reduce exposure to lead dust, the amount o f chat used in asphalt mixes needs to be increased, chat roads should be paved and chat piles and millponds near residential areas should be re-navigated. In addition to this, the state can alleviate mine hazards by locating and mapping vent holes and mine shafts and filling them with chat. The other method is to reclaim the land by removing the chat, re-vegetating and re-contouring the land. In addition to this, state governments can easily manage awareness and education programs, without interrupting the federal cleanup work. If the area is very complex, local governments, and the state can focus on smaller or projects that are less complex like the chat removal. At the same time, federal resources should be used on the most complex areas of the cleanup exercise. Federal agencies have a tendency to control the state and local governments rather than working together with them. Measures should be added to the current superfund program to enable greater state and local government participation. More funds and high awareness could quicken the cleanup process. The superfund process should change the way threats to the environment and health are viewed. In general, measures should be taken the moment an imminent threat to human health and the environment has been identified. (US EPA). In Tar Creek exposure over a day or several days will not have any notable impact on a persons health. However, over a period of years, exposure to contaminants in the area may affect the reproductive, cardiovascular, and central nervous system for people who are exposed. It can also cause hyperactivity and retardation in young children (Church). The people residing in Tar Creek area had been exposed to contaminants for several years, their health was soberly at risk due to the chronic threat affecting the people for over fifty bust (Brock et al., 1995). To reduce the threat to human health due to exposure contaminated materials, a new categorisation system should be introd uced to the superfund process. Conditions that that would create a significant threat to human health as a result of repeated exposure can be classified as a chronic threat. A timeline can be established, based on the nature of the contaminant, the duration of time over which the environment and the public had were exposed, and the extent of contamination. This timeline will determine the acceptable period to improve the situation. If significant improvement is not agnize within the period, the situation should be classified as an immediate threat.Conclusion Even though the superfund process has been successful in many cases, it can be improved upon. Measures that include mandatory education programs, examination for cross-contamination at the beginning of the site investigation, implementation of temporary remedies for particularly complex or large cleanup sites can be used to encourage greater state intervention. Addressing chronic threats has not improved comfortably over tim e and is a measure that should be taken to improve the current cleanup processes. However, these sum are not the only means for improving effectiveness and efficiency of the Superfund process. Superfund should be treated as work in progress. The process should be reviewed for problems and flaws on a constant basis. In addition, unsuccessful and successful sites should be reviewed for particular activities that led to their success or failure. Information that is acquired from these reviews should be used to come up with new procedures and policies that can be added to the existing superfund process. The Superfund process can never be perfect, but continuous monitoring and revision of the process will help make the system very efficient.ReferencesBrock, F. V., K. C. Crawford, R. L. Elliott, G. W. Cuperus, S. J. Stadler, H. L. Johnson, and M. D. Eilts, (1995) The Oklahoma Mesonet A Technical Overview. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Techno. 12, 5-19.Church, Thomas W., and Robert T. Nakamura (1993).Cleaning Up the Mess Implementation Strategies in Superfund.Washington D.C. The Brookings Institution.Oklahoma State Department of Health. Retrieved declination 2014 fromhttp//www.health.state.ok.us/PROGRAM/envhlth/sites/ottawa.html.United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ohio River Park Current Site Information.Retrieved on December 2014 from http//www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/npl/PAD980508816.htm.United States Environmental Protection Agency. The Superfund Program, Ten Years of Progress.EPA/540/8-91/003. December 2014.Source document